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Heatmaps Reports

A description of the different reports that are available for the Heatmaps add-on

Updated over a week ago

This article gives information about the appearance and details of each of the reports that are available for the Heatmaps add-on.

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This section gives information about the different Heatmaps reports that are available.

The available reports for Heatmaps are:

  • HTML Pages Inventory Report

  • Documents Inventory Report

  • Links Inventory Report.

  1. Click Schedule This Report (calendar icon) on the same row as the report to receive the report as an email attachment. Multiple selection is allowed.

  2. Click Open Report (eye icon) to get the newest report.

  3. Click Report Administration (gear icon) to add other users to receive the report.

For more information, see the User Guide articles:


This section gives instructions on how to navigate to the report center and how to view and receive reports.

  1. Click Report Center (paper icon) on the top menu bar of Monsido.

    The location of the Report Center button on the top menu bar, in line with the Monsido Logo.

  2. Open Report (eye icon): Click to open the Report pane.

    • Click the link to navigate to the URL.

    • Tick the radio button to select a domain or group report.

    • Click Save.

    • A dialog box informs: Generating report. Your report is currently being generated. You will receive an email when the report is ready. You can see the current progress under the "Received reports" box to the right.

    • OK: Click to close the dialog box.

    • Open Received Reports: Click to open and view reports that are already sent.

    • The new requested report is sent to your email.

For more information, see the User Guide articles:

Heatmaps Reports

This section gives information about the reports for the Heatmaps add-on.

The Heatmaps Reports list on the Reports landing page, reports available are listed below this image.

The report is delivered to the email addresses for the persons assigned to receive this report. The available reports for Heatmaps are:

  • Heatmaps summary report

  • Heatmaps summary with detailed clicks report.

  1. Click Schedule This Report (calendar icon) on the same row as the report to receive the report as an email attachment. Multiple selection is allowed. See Schedule a Report in this document for instructions.

  2. Click Open Report (eye icon) to get the newest report. See View a Report in this document for instructions.

  3. Click Report Administration (gear icon) to add other users to receive the report. See Add Users to Receive a Report in this document for instructions.

For more information, see the User Guide article:

​Heatmaps Summary Report

This section gives information about the Heatmaps Summary report.

The report is delivered to the email addresses for the persons assigned to receive this report.

The fields show:

  • Report name, domain, and date of the scan.

  • The chart is divided into sections. The first section has the columns:

    • Page: the URL and link to the page.

    • Date: The date of the activity.

    • Users: The number of users who accessed the page.

    • Clicks: The number of clicks on the page.

    • Avg Duration: The average duration of time spent on the page.

  • The following sections separate the device types (such as Desktop, Mobile, Tablet). Each section has the columns:

    • Sessions: The number of user sessions.

    • Chrome: The number of sessions from users with a Chrome browser.

    • Safari: The number of sessions from users with a Safari browser.

    • Firefox: The number of sessions from users with a Firefox browser.

    • Other Browsers: The number of sessions from users with other browsers.

    • Mac: The number of sessions from users on a Mac device.

    • Windows: The number of sessions from users on a Windows device.

    • Other OS: The number of sessions from users on a different operating system.

    • Clicks: The number of clicks on the page.

Heatmaps Summary with Detailed Clicks Report

This section gives information about the Heatmaps Summary with Detailed Clicks report.

The report is delivered to the email addresses for the persons assigned to receive this report.

An example of a Heatmaps Summary with Detailed Clicks report, the fields shown are described in text below this image.

The fields show:

  • Report name, domain, and date of the scan.

  • The chart has the columns:

    • Page: The URL and link to the page.

    • Date: The date that the page was accessed.

    • Users: The number of users that visited the page.

    • Clicks: The number of clicks that the page received.

    • Avg. duration: The average amount of time that the user spent on the page.

Additional Resources

For more information, see the User Guide articles:

For definitions and explanations of acronyms and abbreviations used in the Monsido User Guide, see:

For further assistance, contact the Monsido support team at or use the Monsido chat and help features inside the application.

Image of the toolbar with the Help Center buttons highlighted.

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