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Migrate to Monsido from another service
Migrate to Monsido from another service

Steps needed to set up Monsido and import bulk exports from a previous supplier

Updated over a week ago

This document gives instructions on how to migrate from another service to Monsido.

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First Steps

  1. Inform stakeholders: It is important to notify your organizations about Monsido and what it can help with.

  2. Create Domains: See the User Guide Article: Configure Domains.

  3. Policies: See the Monsido user guide articles for full instructions about policies:

  4. Install the Monsido script: See the Monsido user guide article: Add the Monsido Script.

  5. Set up a training session for your stakeholders: See the Monsido user guide article: Monsido Training and Support.

Create Groups

Create domain groups manually or provide an export for Monsido to upload.

To do a bulk transfer of groups:

  • Export your groups. The export should look something like this:

    A sample export file containing groups and the data as outlined in the text to follow.
  • Prepare the file and send it to Monsido in an Excel, Google Sheets, or .csv file. The following fields are the ones that need to be in the .csv upload to Monsido:

    • Group Name --> Group Name

    • Match Type --> URL

    • Match Type --> That “contains, exactly...”

    • Match Conditions --> Match Rule

    • True/False --> Included/Excluded

For more information, see the following User Guide articles:

Create Users

This section gives instructions on how to add new users and assign them to domain groups.

  1. Export the user list from your current system.

  2. Do a bulk import of the users to Monsido.

    • Convert the user list to a .CSV file format. You may need to contact the service provider directly for help if you cannot export your user list.

    • The .CSV must include the following fields (password is optional):

      • Email

      • First Name

      • Last Name

      • Password (optional)

      • Administrator status (Yes or No only).

For more information, see also the User Guide articles:

Create Dictionary

Export your dictionary and send it to Monsido in an Excel, Google Sheets, or .csv file with the following three column headers:

  • Word: The word to add to the dictionary.

  • Decision: Specify if the word is Approved for Siteor Dictionary.

  • Language: The language that the words should be added to (for example, American English, Spanish (Spain), etc.).

    Note: if the sheet contains multiple languages to import, please create a new sheet for each language.

    Example of a Dictionary input file and another file for a new language.






American English



American English

Example 2






All Languages



All Languages

Create Misspellings List

Similar to the Dictionary export, do an export for the misspelled words list and send it to Monsido in an Excel, Google Sheets, or .csv file with the following three column headers:

  • Word: The word to add to the Confirmed Spelling Errors list.

  • Decision: Specify that the word is a Misspelling.

  • Language: The language that the words should be added to (for example, American English, Spanish (Spain), etc.).

Note, if the sheet contains multiple languages to import, create a new sheet for each language.

Example of a Confirmed Spelling Errors input file:





Confirmed spelling error

American English


Confirmed spelling error

American English

Provide an exported CSV file for these exports to your launch manager.

For more information about these topics, see the user guide article:

Additional Resources

For definitions and explanations of acronyms and abbreviations used in the Monsido User Guide, see:

For further assistance, contact the Monsido support team at or use the Monsido chat and help features inside the application.

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