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Monsido Starter Admin Functions
Monsido Starter Admin Functions

Instructions for Monsido Starter Admins on setup and user administration

Updated over a week ago

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The Admin Settings feature is only available to the assigned user admins for the page. This setting allows site admins to add and maintain users, add labels, and administrate the tool.

Add New Domain

The actions in this section can only be performed by admin users.

  1. Open Monsido to the main dashboard.

  2. Click Admin Settings (gear icon) on the top right corner of the page. This button is only available for assigned admins to click.

    The location of the Admin Settings button in the top right corner of the page.

    The Domain Settings page opens.

    The Admin Settings landing page.

  3. Click Add New Domain, the button below the toolbar on the upper right side of the page.

    The location of the Add New Domain button on the top right side of the window.

  4. The New Domain pane opens.

  5. Fill in the information in the Domain Details section:

    The Domain Details section of the New Domain pane.

    • Title (required field): Click in the field and type in a title for the domain.

    • URL (required field): Click in the field and enter the website URL.

      Remember: Website addresses that end in .com and .eu, for example, are two different domains. Each domain has a unique script and needs to be entered as a separate domain in the list.

    • CMS: Click to expand the list and select the CMS. If it is not shown, contact Monsido support to see if it can be added.

    • Language: Click to expand the list and select the main language for the site. This will determine which dictionary is used to detect spelling and other errors.

  6. Complete the information in the Scan section:

    The Scan section in the New Domain creation pane.

    • Complete the fields to set up how and when the scan should run.

      • Crawl Automatically: Click to turn the scan OFF or ON (default).

      • Scan Frequency: Monsido Starter scan is every 8 weeks.

        • Day: Select the day of the week to run the scan.

        • Time: Select the time of day to run the scan.

        • Connections per minute: Click the drop-down arrow and select Connections per minute. The choices are:

          • Slow: 15 connections per minute.

          • Normal (recommended): 60 connections per minute.

          • Faster: 90 connections per minute.

          • Very fast (be cautious): 120 connections per minute.

          • Superfast (advanced users only) 180 connections per minute.

            Note: The server answer time may be adversely affected if the connections per minute setting is Faster or higher. At these settings, the speed of the scan may not change if the server is slow to respond.

      • Max Scanned Pages: Enter the maximum number of pages to include in the scan.

    • Complete the information in the Crawl Options section.

      • Scan subdomains: Turn the switch ON to scan subdomains.

      • Spelling ignore capitalized words: Turn the switch ON to ignore words that are capitalized.

      • Case sensitive URLs: Turn the switch ON to include case-sensitive URLs.

        • Note: This is by default set to the optimal position.

        • Example OFF: is seen as the same link as

        • Example ON: The same links above will register as two different links.

          Important! In the OFF position, the Monsido scan sees all URLs as lowercase - no matter how they are actually written in the target website. Turn OFF only in rare cases where the target website does not recognize caps and reads all links in lowercase, which results in duplicates in the flagged scan issues. This is an advanced configuration that should normally be left to the default setting.

      • Render pages and execute JS while crawling: Turn the switch ON to instruct the scan to render pages and execute JavaScript while the scan is in progress.

        • This allows Monsido to take into account any changes caused by Javascript during a website scan.

          Note: If the Accessibility feature is enabled, changes caused by JavaScript are automatically accounted for by default.

      • Mark 403 as broken link: Turn the switch ON to mark links on pages that return error 403 (forbidden errors) as broken.

      • Ignore canonical URLs: Turn the switch ON to instruct the scan to ignore canonical URLs.

        A canonical URL is the URL of the page that Google determines is most representative, taken from a set of duplicate pages on your website.

      • Use language attribute: Turn the switch ON to instruct the scan to do the spell check only for the language specified in the lang attribute. If this is set to OFF, the language is automatically detected by the scan.

        The Use Lang Attribute feature allows the scanner to use the correct spell check of HTML pages that have multiple languages.

        Note: The primary language of the HTML page must be correctly defined as a lang attribute on the <html> tag. Additionally, each subsection of the page that is in any other language must be wrapped in a tag with a proper lang attribute value.

        See below for an example:

        <html lang=en">
        <title>Hello World in other languages</title>
        <h1>Hello World in other languages</h1>
        Spanish: <span lang="es">Hola Mundo</span><br>
        Danish: <span lang="da">Hej verden</span><br>
        French: <span lang="fr">Bonjour le monde</span>

      • Remember: When enabled, the scan does not auto-detect the page language. For example, spell checks are always for the language specified in the lang attribute.

Advanced Domain Options

Complete the information in the Advanced Domain Options section.

The Advanced Domain Options page. The sections and information about how to fill in the fields is in the following section of this document.

Path Constraints

Provide the following information:

  • Search: Enter a search parameter for matching strings within the Constraint Patterns list.

  • Constraint pattern: Enter a constraint pattern.

  • + Add: Click + to add a new Constraint pattern. An empty row is added to the list.

  • Delete: Click the trashcan icon to delete an item from the list.

Link Exclusions

Provide the following information:

  • Search: Enter a search parameter for matching strings within the Link excludes list.

  • Exclude pattern: Enter a pattern to exclude from the scan.

  • + Add: Click + to add a new Exclude pattern. An empty row appears in the list.

  • Delete: Click the trashcan icon to delete an item from the list.

Internal URLs

Provide the following information:

  • Operator: Click the drop-down arrow to select Contains, Starts with, or Regex.

  • URL: Type a URL in the field.

  • Delete: Click the trashcan icon to delete the row.

  • + Add: Click to add a new Input Selector. An empty row appears in the list.

Select Login Type

Provide the following information:

This section gives instructions on how to set up the scan for protected login pages. Click to expand the list of options.

The menu login types options expanded.
  • None: Select this option if there are no special login requirements that Monsido needs in order to access and do a scan on the website.

  • Form: Select this option if a form approval is needed by Monsido in order to do the scan.

    The location of the Form option in the drop-down menu.

    • The Form settings open.

      The forms setting with the fields as described below.

      The expanded input fields specify the CSS selectors that identify the various form fields and buttons. The following input fields open:

      • Input selector: (Required field) Enter the CSS ID or class selector to search for.

      • Default Value: Click to hide or show the input text. Click in the dialog box to set a default value for the selector.

      • Delete: Click the trashcan icon to delete the row.

      • + Add: Click to add a new Form. An empty row appears in the list.

      • Submit selector: (Required field) Click in the dialog box and type in a string (without spaces) to identify the submit button for the form.

      • Verify URL: (Required field) Click in the dialog box and type in a URL address that the user will redirect to if the form is valid.

  • Office 365 (Beta): Select this option if Office 365 approval is needed by Monsido in order to do the scan.

    The Office 365 option in the drop-down menu.

    • The Office 365 (Beta) settings open.

      The Office 365 page. Instructions on how to fill out the fields below.

    • Provide the following information:

      • Email: Click in the dialog box and type in a valid Office 365 email address.

      • Password: Click in the dialog box and type in the Office 35 password for the email account.

      • Remember me: Turn the switch ON to remember user credentials.

  • Basic Auth: Select this option if Basic Authentication is needed by Monsido in order to do the scan.

    The Basic Auth option in the drop-down menu.

    • The Basic Auth settings open.

      The Basic Auth settings page, instructions below.

    • Provide the following information:

      • Username: Click in the input field and type in a username field identifier.

      • Password: Click in the input field and type in a password field identifier.

      • Host: Click in the input field and type in the URL to the host website.

  • Custom Multistep: Select this option if Custom Multistep approval is needed by Monsido in order to do the scan. This option covers login flows that require special integration.

    The Custom Multistep option in the drop-down menu.

    • The Custom Multistep settings open.

      The Custom Multistep setup page, instructions below.

    • Provide the following information:

      • Verify URL: Click in the dialog box and type in a URL address for the user to redirect to if the login is valid.

      • Username: Click in the input field and type in a username field identifier.

      • Password: Click in the input field and type in a password field identifier.

      • JS: This is a field to enter JavaScript strings for the crawl to identify.

      • Delete: Click the trash can icon to delete the row.

      • + Add: Click to add a new Custom Multistep. An empty row appears in the list.

Actions Button

  1. Click Action on the same row as the domain, in the Actions column of the chart.

    The location of the Actions button on the same row as a domain.

    The list expands with the following options:

    • Go to Dashboard: Redirects to the main Monsido Starter Dashboard.

    • Edit Domain: Click the link to skip to the instructions section of this document.

    • Start on-demand scan: This option is not included in the Monsido Starter package.

    • Clone: Click the link to skip to the instructions section of this document.

    • Remove Domain: Click the link to skip to the instructions section of this document.

Edit Domain

Select Edit Domain in the Actions drop-down menu, on the same row as a domain. The Edit Domain pane opens.

  1. In the Domain Details section:

    The Domain Details section of the Edit Domain pane.

    • Title (required field): Click in the field and type in a title for the domain.

    • URL (required field): Click in the field and enter the website URL.

      Remember: Website addresses that end in .com and .eu, for example, are two different domains. Each domain has a unique script and needs to be entered as a separate domain in the list.

    • CMS: Click to expand the list and select the CMS. If it is not shown, contact Monsido support to see if it can be added.

    • Language: Click to expand the list and select the main language for the site. This will determine which dictionary is used to detect spelling and other errors.

  2. In the Scan section:

    The second section "Scan" in the Edit Domain pane.

    Fill in the fields to set up how and when the scan should run.

    • Crawl Automatically: Click to turn the scan OFF or ON (default).

    • Scan Frequency: This cannot be changed in Monsido Starter. The default Monsido Starter scan is every 8 weeks.

      • Day: Select the day of the week to run the scan.

      • Time: Select the time of day to run the scan.

    • Connections per minute: Click the drop-down arrow and select Connections per minute. The choices are:

      • Slow: 15 connections per minute.

      • Normal (recommended): 60 connections per minute.

      • Faster: 90 connections per minute.

      • Very fast (be cautious): 120 connections per minute.

      • Superfast (advanced users only) 180 connections per minute.

        Note: The server answer time may be adversely affected if the connections per minute setting is Faster or higher. At these settings, the speed of the scan may not change if the server is slow to respond.

    • Max Scanned Pages: Leave this field blank for the scan to determine the number of pages.

  3. In the Features section:

    • Accessibility: Click to change the level of the accessibility check.

      Important! If/when you change the accessibility level, the existing Accessibility Score scan information is erased and the new standard starts over from the beginning with the next scan. All of the history is lost. It is advised to activate a new level only when you are ready to make the updates needed, or if it becomes a legal requirement for your location/organization.

      Note: Level AA of WCAG 2.1 is the legal requirement to be considered accessible. WCAG 2.2 is newly released and will soon be the standard, taking over from WCAG 2.1.

    • Source Code Excludes: Click the drop-down arrow and select domains to exclude from the scan.

    • Scan documents: Toggle OFF or ON to include documents in the scan.

      The Monsido scan is a powerful tool that scans all pages of a website. With Scan documents selected, Monsido also scans documents on the website. The document scan identifies all of the same types of issues as a domain scan.

  4. In the Domain Groups section: Groups allow website owners to assign specific users to a subset of pages that have been scanned on one or more domains. Created groups appear under the domain name.

    See the Monsido Starter guide for instructions on how to create and administer groups.


Select this option in the Actions drop-down menu, on the same row as a domain.

The Create New Domain page opens. The fields are pre-filled with the information from the current open domain. See Add New Domain for information on how to fill in the fields.

Edit as needed and then save to create a new domain from the original settings.

Remove Domain

Select this option in the Actions drop-down menu, on the same row as a domain.

A prompt instructs you to enter the word Delete in a text box to confirm domain delete.

Important: This cannot be undone. The domain is deleted entirely.

Left Menu Bar

This section gives instructions on how to perform the actions from the left menu bar of the Admin Settings page. The options are below, click navigate to the section instructions:


Click this option from the menu bar on the left side of the Admin Settings page to navigate to the main landing page for admin settings.


This section gives information on how to add and administrate user accounts.

Create Users

  1. Click Users from the menu on the left, or Users (people icon) at the top of the page. The User List page opens.

    The location of the Users button, on the left menu bar and on the top menu bar of the page.

  2. Click +Add new user.

    The location of the Add New User button on the top right of the page below the toolbar.

  3. The Create User page opens. Provide the following information about the new user:

    • User Information: Provide user contact and identification details.

      The Create User - User information section.
      • First Name (required): Type the first (given) name of the user.

      • Last name: Type the last name (surname) of the user.

      • Email (required): Type the email address for the user.

      • User is account administrator: Toggle the switch ON to assign administrator status to the user, or OFF to block the user from admin functions.

    • Notes:

      • Administrators can add, edit, and delete any information within the Monsido interface.

      • Administrators have access to all API tokens (CMS, Customer, and Admin) and are responsible for sending out tokens to authorized CMS or Customer users.

  • Language: Click the drop-down arrow and select the language for the user's location.

  • Enable Export Email Notification: Turn the switch ON to enable email notifications whenever an export is done.

  • Send welcome mail on creation: Turn the switch ON to send a welcome email to the user with startup instructions.

  • Visible Modules: This section gives information on how to assign modules for individual users to access.

    The Create User - Visible modules section.

    • All modules: Turn the switch ON to make all modules visible to the user.

    • Policies: Turn the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

    • Quality Assurance: Turn the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

    • Accessibility: Turn the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

    • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Turn the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

    • PageCorrect: Turn the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

    • HeartBeat: Turn the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

    • Inventory: Turn the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

    • Statistics: Toggle the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

    • Prioritized Content: Turn the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

    • Performance: Turn the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

    • Data Privacy: Turn the switch ON to make this module visible to the user.

  • Domains: This section gives information on how to assign specific domains to a user.

    The Create User - Domains section.

    • Visible: Tick the box on the same row as the domain to make it visible to the user.

    • Send report: Tick the box on the same row as the domain to allow the user to receive reports for this domain.

      For more information, see the Monsido Starter User Guide chapter:

    • Click Save to save the user. The page closes and the new user is now on the User List.

Edit Users

This section gives instructions on how to edit a user account.

  1. Click Users from the menu on the left, or Users (people icon) at the top of the page. The User List page opens.

    The location of the Users button, on the left menu bar and on the top menu bar of the page.

  2. On the same row as a user, click Actions. Select Edit User. The Edit User details page opens.

  3. Edit the user details as needed.

  4. Click Save to save the changes and close the Edit User details pane.

Delete Users

This section gives information on how to delete a user.

  1. Click Users from the menu on the left, or Users (people icon) at the top of the page. The User List page opens.

    The location of the Users button, on the left menu bar and on the top menu bar of the page.

  2. On the same row as a user, click Actions.

  3. Select Delete User. A dialog box opens with the text, “You are about to delete (username) please type Delete to confirm this action”.

    The User Delete confirmation message.

  4. Click in the text box. Type “Delete” and then click OK to save. The dialog box closes and the user is gone from the list. Press Cancel to cancel the action.


A label is a tag that an Admin user can add to any page or issue in Monsido. Labels can be fully customized, and users can input any text. Additionally, labels can be used to tag people on issues, tag pages that have certain characteristics, tag issues with a ticket number in Jira, and so on. It’s also possible to filter pages/issues based on labels.

Labels allow users with administrator access the ability to create custom tags and apply them to your pages. This is a great way to track pages with a specific topic, support ticket number, or maybe even tag the name of an admin to review a page.

Note: Only users with Admin permissions can create, add, and delete labels.

Create Labels

This section gives instructions on how to create a custom label.

Note: Only users with Admin permissions can create new labels.

  1. Click Labels from the menu on the left.

    The location of the Labels button on the menu bar on the left side of the page.

    The list expands to show existing labels. A check-mark identifies labels that are present on the selected page.

    The check-mark that designates a label that is already applied to the page.

  2. Tick to select existing labels to apply to the page.

  3. +Add new Label: Click to create a new label. The Create label dialog opens.

    The Create Label dialog that pops up.

  4. Label Name: Enter a name for the label.

  5. Color Picker: Choose a color or enter the RGB code.

    The color picker section of the Create Label dialog.

  6. Save: Click Save to save the label.

Remove Labels

This section gives instructions on how to remove all or some labels from a selected row.

Note: Only users with Admin permissions can remove or delete labels.

Hover on a row and click the label icon that appears to the right of the link, from any page in Monsido Starter where there is a list of domains or pages.

The location of the Labels button on the same row as a domain on the Domain Overview page.

Click Clear All Labels to remove all labels from the list item selected, or untick to remove them.

The location of Clear All Labels selection, which appears after you click the label on the same row as a list item.

The label is removed from the list item.

Audit Log

This section gives instructions on how to access and administer the audit log functions. Only Admin users can view and edit or delete reviewed issues from the audit log.

  1. Click Audit Log, on the menu on the left.

    The location of the Audit Log menu item on list on the left side of the page.

    The Audit Log page opens.

  2. Filter to locate a specific reviewed issue.

    • Domain: Select a domain from the drop-down list

    • User: Select a user from the drop-down list

    • Module: Select a module from the drop-down list.

Show Details

This section gives more information about the changes made.

Click Show Details on the same row as an issue, or via the Action button. This view shows:

  • Information Column Content Column

    • Action The action that is done

    • Page The URL

    • Source Code Source Code of the changed snippet.

The information that the Show Details link provides.

See Changes

This section gives more information about the changes made.

Click See Changes on the same row as an issue. This view shows:

  • The URL that the change is made on (shown at the top of the page)

  • The Attribute that the change was made on

  • The value Before the change

  • The value After the change.

The information that the See Changes link provides.

Undo a Check Review

This section gives instructions on how to remove a reviewed issue. This procedure is for issues marked as Reviewed in the Accessibility FastTrack module or via the Page Details view. The Undo a Check Review option returns the issue to the errors view on the page and module where it occurs.

  1. Click Action on the same row as a reviewed issue.

    The Action menu expands.

    The location of the Action button.

  2. Select Undo Check Review.

    The issue is gone from the audit log and the browser returns to the errors view on the page and module where it occurs.

    The list expands to show existing labels.

  3. Clear all Labels: Select Clear All Labels to remove all applied labels from the selected row.

  4. Labels on the link are indicated with a checkmark.

    Image showing the list of available labels, some with the checkmark.

  5. Clear an individual Label: Click in the box to remove the checkmark and deselect the label.

Source Code Exclusions

This chapter gives instructions for advanced users on how to configure a source code exclusion for a website scan.

The Source Code Exclude feature allows users to configure custom exclusions to website scans. The exclusions target particular elements and stop the contents from being flagged as issues.

With Monsido Starter, you can add exclusions to the accessibility module on a customer level and then apply them to specific domains.

Add a Source Code Exclusion to the Accessibility Module

This section gives instructions on how to add a source code exclusion to the module on a customer level and then apply it to a domain.

  1. From the Monsido Domain Overview (globe icon), click Settings (gear icon) at the top of the page. The Admin Settings page opens.

    Note: The Settings button is only available to site admins.

  2. Select Source Code Excludes from the menu on the left-hand side of the page.

    The location of the Source Code Excludes option on the left menu bar.

    The Source Code Excludes page opens.

  3. Click Add Source Code Exclude.

    The location of the Add Source Code Exclude button on the top right of the page below the toolbar.

    The Source Code Exclude selection page opens.

    Image showing the Source Code Excludes landing page.

  4. Click to select Accessibility.

    The Accessibility option on the Source Code Exclude creation page.

    The Accessibility Source Code Exclude page opens.

    Image showing the Accessibility Source Code Excludes creation page.

  5. Fill in the following:

  6. See the steps in the next section for instructions on how to apply the Source Code Exclusion to a domain.

Apply the Source Code Exclusion to a Domain

This section gives instructions on how to apply a source code exclusion to a domain.

  1. From the Monsido Domain Overview (globe icon), click Settings (gear icon) at the top of the page. The Admin Settings page opens.

    Note: The Settings button is only available to site admins.

    Image that shows the location of the Settings button, on the top menu bar.

  2. On the same row as the domain to scan, click Action.

    Image showing the location of the Actions button for a domain, on the right-hand side of the page.

  3. In the drop-down list, select Edit Domain.

    Image of the location of the Edit Domain option in the Actions menu.

  4. The Edit Domain page opens.

    Image showing the Edit Domain Features section.

  5. Locate the Features section.

    The Features section in the Edit Domain page.

    Source Code Excludes: Click the drop-down arrow and select the domain that contains the source code.

Company Info

Select Company Info from the menu on the left.

The location of the Company Info selection on the left menu bar, at the bottom.

View the current company information about the active profile selected.

  1. Click Edit Company Settings on the top right side of the window to edit the information.

    The location of the Edit Company Settings button, on the top right of the page below the toolbar.

  2. Edit the fields as needed and then click Save.

    The Edit Customer information page, for an existing company profile.

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