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PageCorrect List and repair misspelled words
Prioritized Content List misspelled words and then Ignore them or mark as Fixed
Web Browser Extension Find the location of misspelled words on the page
Quality Assurance: Spellcheck List and handle misspelled words
There are several ways to locate and repair misspellings and potentially misspelled words. This article gives instructions on each of the methods.
For a clickable walkthrough, see the presentation:
List and repair misspelled words with PageCorrect.
Click Select Domain to expand the Domains list.
Select the domain to open.
Alternatively, from the Domain Overview page, click Open on the same row as the domain name.
The Dashboard for the domain opens.
Click PageCorrect (icon of a shield with a checkmark), on the window toolbar.
Click List from the menu on the left side of the page. The PageCorrect Content page opens.
Select the Spelling filter above the results list.
Filters also include:
Accessibility Source Code
Accessibility Check
The table has the fields:
Note: Check the meta description manually for spelling errors. The Monsido scan disregards any <meta> elements when it does the spellcheck.Changed To
Updated At
Created At
Click Action on the same row as an issue.
The menu expands with the following options:
Select Update. A dialog opens.
In the field provided, enter the correct spelling for the word.
Click Save. The dialog closes.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Prioritized Content
List misspelled words and potentially misspelled words, Ignore, or mark as Fixed with the Prioritized Content module.
Click Select Domain to expand the Domains list.
Select the domain to open.
Alternatively, from the Domain Overview page, click Open on the same row as the domain name.
The Dashboard for the domain opens.
Click Prioritized Content (the bell icon), on the menu bar.
The Prioritized Content page opens.
Above the list, select a filter if needed.
PDF Documents
Other Documents.
Click the number in the Notifications field, on the same row as a domain. The number on the button indicates how many issues are on the page. The list of notifications expands.
The number on each row of this expanded menu indicates how many of each particular issue are on the URL.
Click to select Misspellings.
Note: You have to check the meta description manually for spelling errors. The Monsido scan disregards any <meta> elements when it does the spellcheck.
The Misspellings page opens.
The columns on the list have these headers:
Word: The misspelled word.
Lookup in Google: Click to navigate to Google search results for the word.
Language: The language that is set for the default on the page.
Click Action on the same row as a misspelled word.
The menu expands with the following options:
Set to Fixed: Use this option when the issue is fixed on the CMS/HTML code of the website. Items that are marked as fixed are included in future scans.
Mark as Ignored: Use this option if links are incorrectly marked as broken.
Note: The difference between Fixed and Ignore is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.
Inspect (Magnifying glass icon): Click to navigate to the Web Browser Extension view of the page, where it is possible to see the location of the misspelling directly on the page. Skip to the Web Browser Extension instructions in this document.
For more information, see the User Guide chapters:
Web Browser Extension
Find misspelled words and their location on the page.
Open the website and start the Monsido Web Browser Extension.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Click to select Content Issues (insect icon) on the web browser extension toolbar,
The menu expands.
Select Quality Assurance to expand the menu further.
The issues list opens.
Click See Issues in the Misspellings / Potential Misspellings section.
Note: You have to check the meta description manually for spelling errors. The Monsido scan disregards any <meta> elements when it does the spellcheck.Misspelled words are listed as either Confirmed misspelling or Potential misspelling.
Use the buttons under the misspelling to:
Add word to dictionary: Add the word to the dictionary so that it will not be flagged as a misspelling in future scans.
Mark as fixed: Marks the misspelling as fixed. It will be included in subsequent scans and if the error returns, it will appear again in the misspelled words list. Select this option when the error is actually fixed by the web team on the HTML code of the webpage, or if it is a temporary (for example, in an unpublished state) known issue.
Mark as ignored: Ignore the misspelling. Use this option if you know the word is, in fact, OK (for example, a proper noun). Ignored misspellings are not included in subsequent scans and will not show up as misspelled words.
Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Mark as Ignored is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.
View HTML: Opens the HTML section and highlights the location of the misspelling.
Highlight on the page: Highlights the misspelled word on the page.
Select the misspelled word for the option to look it up in Google.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Quality Assurance: Spellcheck
List misspellings and potential misspellings, add words to the dictionary, Ignore, or mark as Fixed with the Quality Assurance module.
Click Select Domain to expand the Domains list.
Select the domain to open.
Alternatively, from the Domain Overview page, click Open on the same row as the domain name.
The Dashboard for the domain opens.
Click Quality Assurance (the checkbox icon), on the toolbar.
The Quality Assurance page opens.
Click Spellcheck from the menu on the left side of the page.
The menu expands with the following options:
Spellcheck Summary
Pages with Misspellings
Potential Misspellings
Ignored Misspellings
Note: You have to check the meta description manually for spelling errors. The Monsido scan disregards any <meta> elements when it does the spellcheck.
Spellcheck Summary: Click to open the Spellcheck Summary page. This dashboard view has three sections that show a summary of misspellings.
Action: Click the drop-down arrow on the same row as a potential misspelling and select the action to perform for this word. This action affects all instances of the word.
Confirm as misspelling: Approve this spelling of the word.
Add to dictionary: Approve this spelling and add it to the language dictionary so that future scans will not flag it as misspelled.
For more instructions, see the User Guide Articles:
Add to dictionary for all languages: Approve this spelling (product names, for example) and add it to the language dictionary for all languages so that future scans do not flag it as misspelled.
For more instructions, see the User Guide chapter:
Ignore Misspelling - Use this option:
If words, for example proper nouns or names, are marked as misspellings when they are not.
To ignore spelling issues on a single-page basis.
To ignore all other issues on a domain level.
Note: Ignored issues will not be factored into future scans, and this permanently affects the compliance score.
Mark as fixed: Marks the misspelled word as fixed. It will be included in subsequent scans and if the error returns, it will appear again in the broken links list. Select this option when the misspelled word is actually fixed by the web team on the HTML code of the webpage, or if it is a temporary (for example, in an unpublished state) known issue.
Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Mark as Ignored is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.
For more information, see the User Guide resources:
Why does Language Detection specify the wrong language?
This is a troubleshooting document, if the wrong language is set up for the page or website, there could be many misspelled words flagged by the scan.
The Monsido Dictionary allows users to add frequently-used words that the spellcheck consistently flags as misspelled words or potentially misspelled words to the scan. Words that are added to the dictionary are ignored by the scan, and can be an easy way to prevent recurring flagged words.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Additional Resources
For more information, see the User Guide chapters:
For definitions and explanations of acronyms and abbreviations used in the Monsido User Guide, see:
For further assistance, contact the Monsido support team at or use the Monsido chat and help features inside the application.