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Quick Guide: Fix Broken Links
Quick Guide: Fix Broken Links

Some quick steps to fix broken links

Updated over a week ago

There are several ways to locate and repair broken links. This article gives instructions on each of the methods.

Article Navigation

PageCorrect List and repair broken links

Prioritized Content List broken links, Ignore a link, or mark a link as Fixed

Web Browser Extension Find and handle broken links and see their location

Quality Assurance: Links List broken links, Ignore a link, or mark a link as Fixed


List and repair broken links with PageCorrect.

  1. Click Select Domain to expand the Domains list.

    The location of the Select Domain button in the upper left corner of the page, on the page toolbar.

  2. Select the domain to open.

    The expanded list of domains on the left side of the page, that expands when you click Select Domain.

  3. Alternatively, from the Domain Overview page, click Open on the same row as the domain name.

    The location of the Open button, on the same row as the domain name.

  4. The Dashboard for the domain opens.

    The full dashboard view.

  5. Click PageCorrect (shield with a checkmark icon) on the window toolbar. The PageCorrect dashboard opens.

    Image showing the location of the PageCorrect button on the top menu bar.

  6. Click List from the menu on the left side of the page.

    Image that shows the location of the List menu option on the left-hand side of the page, and the PageCorrect Content page that opens when the user clicks to navigate there.

    The PageCorrect Content page opens. The results are in a table format.

  • Filter: On the toolbar above the results list, select to filter for Links.

  • The columns are:

    • Issue: The icon for the type of issue, either a broken chain link icon or a broken image icon, along with the title for the issue (Broken Link or Broken Image) and the URL for the issue.

    • Changed to: The last change that was done to the issue.

    • Updated at: The date that the issue was updated last.

    • Created at: The date that the issue was created.

    • Action button: Click to expand the list of options: Update or Remove.

  • Click Action on the same row as a broken link. The menu expands. Select:

    • Update to update the issue. A dialog opens:

      The update dialog, text on the dialog is below.

      The dialog has a field with the existing URL and the instructions: "Please insert correct URL:"

    • Enter the correct URL in the field provided. The URL must start with a protocol such as http://.

      Note: All links that lead to the same destination are listed. The first five are displayed, but the full number of URLs discovered is shown. Click the number to expand them.

    • Click Save. This fixes the broken link in all instances throughout the website.

      Note: If the Monsido subscription ends, the error will still be present in the website HTML. Monsido recommends that a web developer fixes the issue within the HTML code. Make a note of the location(s) of the broken link and send it to the web developer for a permanent fix.

    • Remove to remove the issue from the list.

      Select this choice if you know the link is correct and the error occurred due to, for example, a server outage at the time of the last scan.

      Note: If the error persists, it will be flagged again.

For more information, see the User Guide article:

Prioritized Content

List broken links, Ignore a link, or mark a link as Fixed with the Prioritized Content module.

  1. Click Select Domain to expand the Domains list.

    The location of the Select Domain button in the upper left corner of the page, on the page toolbar.

  2. Select the domain to open.

    The expanded list of domains on the left side of the page, that expands when you click Select Domain.

  3. Alternatively, from the Domain Overview page, click Open on the same row as the domain name.

    The location of the Open button, on the same row as the domain name.

  4. The Dashboard for the domain opens.

    The full dashboard view.

  5. Click Prioritized Content (bell icon), on the menu bar.

    The location of the Prioritized Content button.

    The Prioritized Content page opens.

    The Prioritized Content page.

  6. Click Notifications on the same row as a domain. The menu expands.

    The location of the Notifications button.

  7. Click to select Broken Links. The number on the right tells you how many broken links the URL has.

    The Broken Links page opens.

    The Broken Links page.

    The columns on the list have these headers:

    • Broken Link: the URL for the link.

    • PageCorrect: Click to navigate to the PageCorrect module, where it is also possible to fix the highlighted link. Instructions are in the next section of this document.

    • Response code: The error code that the URL returns.

    • Type: The type of error (in this case, link).

    • Click Action. The menu expands with the following options:

      • Set to Fixed: Use this option when the issue is fixed on the CMS/HTML code of the website. Items that are marked as fixed are included in future scans.

      • Mark as Ignored: Use this option if links are incorrectly marked as broken.

        Note: The difference between Fixed and Ignore is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

      • Inspect (Magnifying glass icon): Click to navigate to the Web Browser Extension view of the page, where it is possible to fix the highlighted link. Skip to Web Browser Extension instructions.

For more information, see the User Guide chapter:

Web Browser Extension

Find broken links and their location, Ignore a link, or mark a link as Fixed with the web browser extension.

  1. Open the website and start the Monsido Web Browser Extension.

  2. Click to select Content Issues (insect icon) on the web browser extension toolbar.

    The location of the Content Issues button.

  3. The menu expands. Select Quality Assurance.

    The location of the Quality Assurance option in the expanded menu.

  4. Click the arrow to expand the menu further. The issues list opens.

  5. Click See Issues in the Broken Links / Broken Images section.

    The location of the See Issues button.

    The Broken Links pane opens. Here is a list of broken links and broken image links.

    The All Broken Links page.

  6. Mark as Fixed (checkmark icon): Click to mark the issue as fixed. Do this when the issue is fixed on the CMS/HTML code of the website. Items that are marked as fixed are included in future scans.

    The location of the Mark As Fixed icon in the web browser extension.

  7. Mark as Ignored (eye with a line through it icon): Do this when the link is not broken, but flagged by the scan for an unknown reason.

    The location of the Mark as Ignored icon.

    Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Mark as Ignored is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

  8. HTML (</> icon): Click to view the location of the broken link within the page HTML code.

    The location of the HTML button.

    The HTML code opens and the broken link is highlighted.

    A highlighted link within the HTML code.

    Tip: Send this to the web development team, so that they can quickly find and repair the error within the HTML code.

  9. Highlight (magnifying glass icon): Click to view the location of the broken link on the page.

    The location of the Highlight button.

    The page view scrolls to the location of the link and the broken link is highlighted.

    A highlighted broken link.

For more information, see the User Guide chapter:

Examine Links for Accessibility Issues

  1. On the web browser extension toolbar, click to select Toolkit (tools icon). The Monsido Toolkit opens.

    The location of the Toolkit button on the Web Extension toolbar.

  2. Click to turn on the Links button.

    The location of the Links button.

    A list of all links on the website opens.

    A list of broken links on a page.

  3. Click on a link in the list to see the location on the website.

  4. Hover the cursor over a link on the page for more information about it.

    The extra information that shows when the mouse hovers over a link on the page.

    • Link Text

    • Link Title

    • Link URL

    • Aria-label

    • Link Length

    • Link Target.

  5. Click on a link on the page to see the link behavior as a user experiences it.

For more information, see the User Guide chapter:

Quality Assurance: Links

List broken links, Ignore a link, or mark a link as Fixed with the Quality Assurance module.

  1. Click Select Domain to expand the Domains list.

    The location of the Select Domain button in the upper left corner of the page, on the page toolbar.

  2. Select the domain to open.

    The expanded list of domains on the left side of the page, that expands when you click Select Domain.

  3. Alternatively, from the Domain Overview page, click Open on the same row as the domain name.

    The location of the Open button, on the same row as the domain name.

  4. The Dashboard for the domain opens.

    The full dashboard view.

  5. Click Quality Assurance (the checkbox icon), on the window toolbar.

    The location of the Quality Assurance button.

  6. The Quality Assurance page opens.

    The location of the Links option.

  7. Click Links from the menu on the left.

    The location of the Links option.

  8. The menu expands with the following options:

Content with Broken Links

Click this option in the Links sub-menu on the left-hand side of the page to view the URLs of any pages that contain broken links. This is the default page that opens when Links is selected.

The full dashboard view.
  • Navigate between All, Pages, PDF Documents, and Text Documents to view the location or type of content containing broken links.

  • Click Export to export the list.

    • A dialog box opens. Select your export file:

      • Broken Links with Page Count

      • Broken Links Per Page.

      • A message informs that, "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or use the provided button Go to My Exports.

  • Click Filter ( the funnel icon) to filter for:

    • Labels

    • Type

    • Response code

    • Internal or external.

  • Search: Click in the dialog box and type a search string.

  • The table with the results has the headers:

    • Title and URL: This is the title and URL of the content that has been targeted with errors. Click the URL. The Broken Links pane slides open.

    • Notifications: Click to expand a quick-info box on the notifications for the URL.

    • Priority: Low, Medium, High as determined by the number of page views.

    • Views: Approximate number of page views since the last scan. This information is only available when Statistics is enabled.

    • Open page details (the page icon): On the same row as a page, click Open Page Details.

      The location of the Open Page Details button.

      The details pane slides open. View the issues on the page, rated per severity, as determined by the last scan.

      The landing page for the page details view.

Broken Links

Click this option in the Links sub-menu on the left-hand side of the page to see the overview of broken links, including broken links that have been marked as ignored or fixed.

The location of the Broken Links menu option, on the left under Links.
  • Navigate between All broken links, ignored, and Marked as fixed to view the location or type of broken links.

  • Click Export to export the list.

    • A dialog box opens. Select your export file:

      • Broken Links with Page Count

      • Broken Links Per Page.

      • A message informs that, "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or use the provided button Go to My Exports.

  • Click Filter ( the funnel icon) to filter for:

    • Labels

    • Type

    • Response code

    • Internal or external.

  • Search: Click in the dialog box and type a search string.

  • The table with the results has the headers:

    • Broken Link: This is the link that is broken. Click the URL. The Broken Links pane slides open.

    • PageCorrect: Click to navigate to PageCorrect to view and correct the error.

      For more information, see the User Guide chapter:

    • Response code: This column shows the error code that is received for the link.

    • Type: This column lists the type of error that is detected.

    • Pages: This column gives information on where the broken link is located.

      • Documents: The broken link is found in this many documents.

      • Pages: The broken link is found on (number of) pages of the website.

    • Action: Click the button to expand the list of actions to take for the link. Select from the following:

      • Mark as fixed: This option marks the link as fixed. It will be included in subsequent scans and if the error returns, it will appear again in the broken links list. Select this option when the error is actually fixed by the web team on the HTML code of the webpage, or if it is a temporary (for example, in an unpublished state) known issue.

      • Mark as ignored: Ignore the link. Use this option if you know the link is, in fact, OK. Ignored links are not included in subsequent scans and will not show up as broken.

        Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Mark as Ignored is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

Broken Images

Click this option in the Links sub-menu on the left side of the page to view the list of images that have broken links.

The location of the Broken Images option on the left menu, under Links.

Tip: An example of a broken image could be an icon button with a broken path.

Click on the blue circle to see all of the broken links on a single page.

Note: Although the Quality Assurance Module is a highly effective way to find broken links on images, false positives can occur. For best results, it is important to manually review the findings.

  • Navigate between All broken images, ignored, and Marked as fixed to view the location or type of broken links on images.

  • Click Export to export the list.

    • A dialog box opens. Select your export file:

      • Broken Images with Page Count

      • Broken Image Links Per Page.

      • A message informs that, "Your export is currently being generated, You will receive an email when the export is ready." To view the progress, click the avatar icon on the main toolbar and select My Exports, or use the provided button Go to My Exports.

  • Click Filter ( the funnel icon) to filter for:

    • Labels

    • Type

    • Response code

    • Internal or external.

  • Search: Click in the dialog box and type a search string.

  • The table with the results has the headers:

    • Broken Link: This is the link that is broken. Click the URL. The Broken Links pane slides open.

    • PageCorrect: Click to navigate to PageCorrect to view and correct the error.

    • Response code: This column shows the error code that is received for the link.

    • Type: This column lists the type of error that is detected.

    • Pages: This column gives information on where the broken link is located.

      • Documents: The broken link is found in this many documents.

      • Pages: The broken link is found on (number of) pages of the website.

    • Action: Click the button to expand the list of actions to take for the link. Select from the following:

      • Mark as fixed: This option marks the link as fixed. It will be included in subsequent scans and if the error returns, it will appear again in the broken links list. Select this option when the error is actually fixed by the web team on the HTML code of the webpage, or if it is a temporary (for example, in an unpublished state) known issue.

      • Mark as ignored: Ignore the link. Use this option if you know the link is, in fact, OK. Ignored links are not included in subsequent scans and will not show up as broken.

        Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Mark as Ignored is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

For more information, see the User Guide chapter:

Policies for Links

It is sometimes necessary to set up a policy to tell the scan how to handle special or troublesome links. Monsido has several pre-made links policies that you can use.

For more information, see the User Guide chapter:


We have collected the answers to some common issues that you might encounter regarding broken links found by the Monsido scan.

For more information, see the User Guide article:

Additional Resources

For more information, see the User Guide chapters:

For definitions and explanations of acronyms and abbreviations used in the Monsido user guide, see:

For further assistance, contact the Monsido support team at or use the Monsido chat and help features inside the application.

Image of the toolbar with the Help Center buttons highlighted.

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