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Prioritized Content

How to configure and use the Prioritized Content module

Updated over a week ago

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The Monsido Prioritized Content module is a collection of all pages with errors in a single module. Admins can start with this page to view, label, and track & repair technical as well as non-technical website content. The module prioritizes pages with errors based on the number of issues found, the number of views received, and the number of links that lead to particular pages.

Key Features

  • Prioritize: This module puts issues into high, medium, and low priority.

    For more information, see the user guide article:

  • Track page views: Prioritized Content shows the number of views per page.

  • Link overview: Monsido shows the number of links that lead to each page.

  • Create labels: Users can add custom labels to make their content easier to track and manage.

Easily navigate to the page that needs attention and view the errors. View the source mode and find and correct the errors directly on the page.

This article gives instructions on how to configure and use the Prioritized Content module.


The Monsido Prioritized Content module is included in all packages. No setup is required.

Prioritization and Severity

This section tells you about the process and criteria that Monsido uses to calculate the severity of errors and give them the correct priority.

Priority of Errors

How we assign priority to errors.

The script sends a request to our server each time a page on the website loads with a JavaScript-enabled agent. This data is used:

  • Page views

  • Error count.

We record the page views and errors. With this data, it is possible to calculate the number of pages that have the error and compare it to the number of errors on each page. For example, one dead link on the busiest page of a website has a higher priority than 5 dead links on the least-visited page.

Severity of Errors

How we calculate the severity of security issues:

  • Low Severity
    Data with low severity has a limited adverse effect on organizational assets, organizational operations, and individuals if it is disclosed without authorization.

  • Medium Severity
    Data with medium severity has a serious adverse effect on organizational assets, organizational operations, and individuals if it is disclosed without authorization.

  • High Severity
    Data with high severity has a severe or catastrophic effect on organizational assets, organizational operations, and individuals if it is disclosed without authorization.

For a more in-depth description of the severity levels, see the user guide article:


This section gives information on how to navigate through the errors that

the scan detects, and how to edit website content from the Prioritized Content module.

  1. Click Prioritized Content (the bell icon), on the dashboard toolbar.

    Image showing the location of the Prioritized Content button.

    The Prioritized Content page opens. Below the header is a table with a quick overview of pages with errors.

  2. Above the list, select a filter if needed.

    Image that shows the location of the sorting options for the results list.
    • All

    • Pages

    • PDF Documents

    • Other Documents.

  3. Search: Click in the dialog box and type a search parameter.

  4. Filter (the funnel icon): Click to filter for:

    • Labels

    • Languages

    • Contains.

  5. The table with the results has the column headers:

    • Title and URL: The page title with a link to the URL. Click the URL to navigate to the Dashboard view for that page.

    • Labels: Custom tags that users can create and add to any page.

      For more information, see the user guide article:

    • Notifications: This column gives a quick overview of the number and type of issues on the page.

  6. Click on the number in the Notifications column on the same row as a domain. The menu expands.

    Image showing the information that expands when you click on the number in the Notifications column.
  7. Click an issue in the expanded list.

    • Policies: The Content Policies pane opens.

      Image of an expanded view of an issue in the Notifications list. This example shows a Content Policies error.

      • Highlight an item in the list. Information about the error is shown on the right.

      • Click Action. The menu expands with the following options:

        • Run policy again: Select this option to rescan for this policy after the error is repaired.

        • Ignore: Use this option:

          • If the policy is incorrectly marked as broken.

          • To ignore the policy on a single-page basis.

          • To ignore all other issues on a domain level.

          Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Ignore is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

        • Mark as fixed - Use this option when the issue is fixed on the website. Items that are marked as fixed are included in future scans.

          Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Ignore is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

        • Open page details (the page icon): Click to view the page dashboard. The page details window slides open.

    • Quality Assurance

      For more information, see the user guide article:

    • Content with QA Errors

      For more information, see the user guide article:

    • Links: The number tells how many errors there are on the selected URL.

      • Click to open the Broken Links page.

        • On the same row as a broken link:

          • PageCorrect: Click to navigate to the PageCorrect module, where it is also possible to fix the highlighted link.

          • Click Action. This menu gives the option to classify the link as Fixed (if it has been fixed via the CMS/HTML code), or Ignore it. The menu expands with the following options:

            • Set to Fixed: Use this option when the issue is fixed on the CMS /HTML code of the website. Items that are marked as fixed are included in future scans.
              โ€‹Note: The difference between Set to Fixed and Mark as Ignored is that issues set to Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are marked as Ignored are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

            • Mark as Ignored: Use this option:

              • If links are incorrectly marked as broken.

              • To ignore spelling issues on a single-page basis.

              • To ignore all other issues on a domain level.

              Note: The difference between Set to Fixed and Mark as Ignored is that issues set to Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are marked as Ignored are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

          • Inspect (Magnifying glass icon): Click to navigate to the Web Browser Extension view of the page, where it is possible to fix the highlighted link. Instructions are in the next section of this document.

          For more information, see the user guide articles:

    • Misspellings:

      • Click to select Misspellings. The number to the right of the window tells how many misspelled words are on the URL.

        The location of the Misspellings button on the window sidebar.
        • The columns on the list have these headers:

          • Word: The misspelled word.

          • Lookup in Google: Click to navigate to Google search results for the word.

          • Language: The language that is set as the default on the page.

      • Click Action on the same row as a misspelled word.

        The Action button and expanded menu on the Misspellings page, on the same row as a misspelled word.

        The menu expands with the following options:

        • Add to dictionary

        • Add to dictionary for all languages

        • Ignore Misspelling: Use this option if the word is incorrectly marked as a misspelled word

        • Mark as Fixed.

          Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Ignore Misspelling is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

        • Inspect (Magnifying glass icon): Click to navigate to the Web Browser Extension view of the page, where you can see the location of the misspelling directly on the page.

        For more information, see the user guide articles:

    • Readability

      For more information, see the user guide article:

    • Website QA Checklist

      For more information, see the user guide article:

    • Configure Policies

      For more information, see the user guide article:

    • Accessibility

      For more information, see the user guide article:

    • SEO

      For more information, see the user guide article:

  8. Redirect to Page (magnifying glass icon): Click to navigate to the page URL and view the page as an external visitor.

    Image showing the location of the Redirect to Page icon on the same row as a URL.

    Tip: If it is installed, use the Web Browser Extension to identify the placement of the errors on the page, repair the errors, and more.

    For more information, see the user guide article:

Add Custom Labels

For more information, see the user guide article:

Additional Resources

For definitions and explanations of acronyms and abbreviations, see:

For further assistance, contact the support team or use the Monsido chat and help features inside the application.

Image of the toolbar with the Help Center buttons highlighted.

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