This document gives information about the Monsido pre-made policies and how to add them to the scan.
Article Navigation
Select policies and rules to ensure that all website content creators follow the same guidelines and are alerted immediately if the content becomes outdated or is incorrect.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Add a Policy
This section gives information on how to add a pre-made policy to the Monsido scan.
Click Select Domain on the Monsido Domain Overview toolbar. The Domain Overview page opens.
Click Open on the same row as the domain name.
The Dashboard for the domain opens.
Click the Global Policies Overview button (mallet icon) on the top menu bar.
Alternatively, click on the header of the Content Policies section.
The Global Policies page opens.
Click Add new policy.
The New Policy page opens.
Select a policy from the list and click Add Policy. The New Policy page opens.
Select Settings, on the top left-hand side of the page.
Select one of the options for Display this policy as:
Click the Priority drop-down arrow and select the policy priority:
In the Scheduled section, toggle to turn the switch OFF or ON.
When set to OFF, the policy will not run automatically.
When set to ON, the policy will run each time the website is scanned.
Choose where the policy should apply:
Global - All Domains: The policy will run on all domain scans.
Choose Domains: The policy will run only on selected domain scans. Select domains and groups from the list.
Policy Rules
Select a Rule Operator. See Rule Operators for a full list of additional rule operators that can be selected for a custom policy.
The selected pre-made rule appears in the list. Click Add Rule to Policy to add more pre-made rules to the policy. See Rules for a full list and explanation of the rules.
Select Add Rule to the Policy, on the top left-hand side of the page to add more rules. See Rules for a full list and explanation of the rules.
Drag-and drop or click Add Rule to Policy to add more pre-made rules to the policy.
Save the changes. A dialog box opens.
In the dialog box, enter the policy Name (required) and Note if needed and then click Save.
From the options at the top of the page, select +Add rule to the policy. Repeat the steps above to add as many rules as needed.
Click Save. The Policy List is open and the new policy is present. A Policy scan begins automatically.
Pre-made Policies
This section gives information about some of the most commonly used pre-made policies.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
If the policy you need is difficult to create, contact Support for assistance.
Images greater than 100kB
Finds all images on the website that are larger than 100kB. This can optimize the website for speed and performance. Relevant for simple images (such as small PNGs) that can be smaller than 100kB.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Images greater than 500kB
Finds all images on the website that are larger than 500kB, the largest size recommended for most of the images on the Internet. This is useful for the optimization of the website to improve speed and performance.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Images greater than 1MB
Finds all images on the website that are larger than 1MB. This is useful for the optimization of the website to improve speed and performance. Relevant for large or full-screen background images.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Text that starts with Lorem ipsum
Finds any text that starts with “Lorem ipsum” (the placeholder text). Helps to spot any overlooked areas where the actual content is missing.
Most likely policy type: Unwanted
Subject: HTML pages
See the User Guide chapter:
Page titles that contain Lorem ipsum
Finds any page titles that include “Lorem ipsum” (the placeholder text). Helps to spot any overlooked areas where the actual content has not yet been inserted. Most likely policy type: Unwanted
Subject: HTML pages
See the User Guide chapter:
Find long paragraph
Finds text paragraphs that include more than a defined amount of characters (the default is 400). Identify long lines of text and areas that can be improved by punctuation or rewording.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
How to set up this policy:
Insert a value and request the search to flag longer, shorter, or equal paragraph length than the inserted value.
Insert a character count. Characters include letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and spaces.
If needed, edit this policy rule via the Add rule to policy tab.
Page text length
Finds pages with body text greater, equal, or lesser character count than the defined value.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Additional setup information:
Decide if you want to search for a longer, shorter, or equal page character count than the inserted value.
Insert a character count. Characters include letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and spaces.
If needed, edit this policy rule via the Add rule to policy tab.
Note: This policy counts all text content on a page. To identify long chunks of content, use the Find long paragraph policy instead.
Max. word length
Identify words longer than the defined character limit.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Additional setup information:
Insert a character count to specify the length of a "long word".
Note: Words separated with a hyphen or dash (-) are counted as two separate hits.
Edit this policy rule later under the Add rule to policy tab.
Find words in all capital letters
Finds words that are written in all capital letters.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Repeated words
Identify words that are repeated (next to each other).
Set a character limit for words to be taken into consideration (words with a lower character count are not flagged).
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Additional setup information:
Insert a character count to state the shortest word length to be detected (including the inserted value). Shorter words are not flagged.
Edit this policy rule later under the Add rule to policy tab.
Words without specific context
Define the word(s).
Always precede or follow a term or a name by: (example: the abbreviation of a school should always be followed by the word Academy).
The policy flags any instances where the defined rule is not followed.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Additional setup information:
Insert words that need to be in a specific context, either by adding a preceding/following word or both.
The word “Contact” needs to be followed by “us”.
Insert when your term needs to be preceded by another word.
Insert when your term needs to be followed by another word.
Find all pages missing [Company Name]
Identifies all the pages on the domain that do not mention the company name. Useful for ensuring branding consistency across the platform.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
Additional setup information:
Insert a company name to search for throughout your domain. All pages without the name are flagged.
Edit this policy rule later under the Add rule to policy tab.
Find misspelled [Company Name]
Insert some common misspellings of the company name to identify all the instances of those formats. Useful for ensuring branding consistency across the platform.
Most likely policy type: Unwanted
Subject: HTML pages
Additional setup information:
Insert common misspellings of the company name to search for throughout the domain. This also includes the wrong capitalization.
Edit this policy rule later under the Add rule to policy tab.
Tip: Enter common misspellings of a company name (including the wrong capitalization).
Brand name without trademark
Define the correct use of the trademark symbol. All instances that do not display the symbol or that appear in a different format are flagged. Useful for ensuring branding consistency across the platform.
Most likely policy type: Unwanted
Subject: All
Additional setup information:
Insert the brand names that should be followed with the trademark symbol. It is also important to choose which style of the trademark symbols is correct. Names without the symbol or in the wrong style are flagged.
Edit this policy rule later under the Add rule to policy tab.
Find all pages missing the word “ABN” (Australia)
Flag all the pages that do not have the abbreviation ABN (Australian Business Number).
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
Find all pages missing the word “AFSL” (Australia)
Flag all pages that do not have the abbreviation AFSL (Australian Financial Services License).
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
Find all pages missing the word “BSB” (Australia)
Flag all pages that do not have the abbreviation BSB (Bank State Branch).
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
Find all pages missing the word “cost”
Flag all pages that do not have the word “cost”.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Find all pages missing the word “fees”
Flag all pages that do not have the word “fees”.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Find all pages missing the words “disclosure document(s)”
Flag all pages that do not have the phrase “disclosure documents”. Can be used to identify any pages that might be missing an important link in the footer, for example.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Links that contain Lorem ipsum
Finds any links that contain “Lorem ipsum” (placeholder text). Helps to spot any overlooked areas where the actual content has not yet been inserted.
Most likely policy type: Unwanted
Subject: Links
Search for [Link Name]
Finds all instances of the inserted link. Useful when an overview of the count and distribution of a link is wanted.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
Additional setup information:
Include words to search for inside links. Monsido has provided four common terms to search for. The user can easily remove or edit them.
Note: By default, the terms will be searched in three cases: lowercase, title case, and uppercase.
Example: click here / Click here / CLICK HERE
Find all Dropbox links
Finds all links that lead to Dropbox.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: Links
Search for unsafe links
Finds all links that start with http instead of https. It is highly encouraged to use https because it is a more secure protocol.
Most likely policy type: Unwanted
Subject: Links
Find all missing banking practice links
Finds all links that do not contain the words banking practice.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
Find all missing financial services guide links
Finds all links that do not contain the words "financial services".
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
Find all missing privacy policy links
Finds all links that do not contain the words "privacy policy".
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
Find all missing product disclosure statement links
Finds all links that do not contain the words "product disclosure".
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
Find all missing terms and conditions links
Finds all links that do not contain the words "terms and conditions".
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Find publicly exposed credit card numbers
Detects all number combinations that can be flagged as credit card numbers.
Most likely policy type: Unwanted
Subject: All
Terms to avoid when writing about gender and age
Set a series of words that should be avoided when writing about the topic of gender and age. Run the policy to detect the defined words.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Additional setup information:
Include terms to flag on the subjects of gender and age. Monsido has provided some common words. To remove them, click on the trash icon. To add more terms, click on the + (plus icon) for a new row.
Note: By default, the terms are searched in three cases: lowercase, title case, and uppercase.
Example: policeman / Policeman / POLICEMAN.
Edit this policy rule later under the Add rule to policy tab.
Terms to avoid when writing about disabilities
Set a series of words that should be avoided when writing about the topic of accessibility. Run the policy to detect the defined words.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: All
Additional setup information:
Include terms to flag on the subject of disabilities. Monsido has provided some common words. To remove them, click on the trash icon. To add more terms, click on the + (plus icon) for a new row.
Note: By default, the terms are searched in three cases: lowercase, title case, and uppercase.
Example: wheelchair/ Wheelchair/ WHEELCHAIR.
Edit this policy rule later under the Add rule to policy tab.
Wrong date format
Set date formats that are allowed on the website. The wrong date formats are flagged.
Most likely policy type: Unwanted
Subject: All
Additional setup information:
(Checkbox text). Detects date formats that use the day-before-month (DMY) format. This does not flag dates where the difference is not obvious (example: 02/05/2021)
Note: All three date formats above are checked.
Tick each correct date separator for the website and identify the instances where the wrong format is used.
Note: Only these three formats are searched. Dates that are written in word format (example: 7th of August) are not flagged.
Check the box to also include a rule about using the month-day-year format. When the wrong format is obvious, it is a match.
Edit this policy rule later under the Add rule to policy tab.
Specify which date separators are correct to use on your website
Incorrect usage of digit separators
Set a uniform digit separator (a symbol used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number) format that should be consistent throughout the website. All other digit separator formats will be flagged.
Most likely policy type: Unwanted
Subject: All
Additional setup information:
Select the digit separator that is the correct format. When the wrong format (other option) is detected, the result is flagged.
Edit this policy rule later under the Add rule to policy tab.
Find emails not inside an anchor element
This policy helps to detect all email addresses that are not placed inside an <a> tag.
Hint: Put email addresses inside anchor <a> elements to create email links.
Most likely policy type: Matches
Subject: HTML pages
Search for pages without viewport element
Detects all pages without a viewport element. Helpful for mapping pages that can cause responsiveness issues, especially on mobile devices.
Most likely policy type: Unwanted
Subject: HTML pages
Rule operators
Starts with: This rule operator searches for any snippet starting with the inserted text.
Contains: This rule operator searches for any instances of the inserted text (single word).
Contains words: This rule operator searches for multiple words. Use commas to separate the words.
Contains sentence: This rule operator searches for any instances of the inserted sentence or text.
Ends with: This rule operator searches for any snippet ending with the inserted text.
Equal: This rule operator searches for an exact match for the inserted text or value. Example: “Monsido” - match. “About Monsido” - no match.
Regex: Use regular expressions to define a specific search.
Note: Regular Expressions in source-code exclusions are not 100% compatible with Monsido Policies. The languages are different (Java and Ruby).
Conforms with: Use regular expressions to define the correct structure or form of the inserted value.
Less than: This rule operator searches for any results less than the inserted value.
Less than or equal: This rule operator searches for any results less than or equal to the inserted value.
Greater than: This rule operator searches for any results greater than the inserted value.
Greater than or equal: This rule operator searches for any results greater than or equal to the inserted value.
(Meta header) Date age greater than: This rule operator searches for meta tags older than the inserted value. Choose the time interval that matches the way your meta tag dates are written.
(Meta header) Date age less than: This rule operator searches for meta tags younger than the inserted value. Choose the time interval that matches the way your meta tag dates are written.
CSS selector: This rule operator searches for the inserted CSS selector.
Page HTML: This rule searches for text in the entire HTML for the domain.
Page URL: Set a rule for internal page URLs.
Text: This rule searches for text (excluding css, and html tags).
Page title: This rule searches for text in the page title (title is not the header).
Page title length: Define when the rule should apply for the title.
Heading text: This rule searches for text in headers (in header levels h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6).
Heading text length: Define when the rule should apply header texts.
Meta header: This rule searches for meta header tags that match the query.
Meta header length: Define when the rule should apply for meta headers.
Link text length: Define when the rule should apply for link text.
External link count: Define when the rule should apply for external links.
File size: This rule searches file sizes within the selected domains.
Image size: This rule searches for images within the selected domains.
Image text: This rule searches for images that have the name that is specified in the rule.
Image text length: Define when the rule should apply to the image text length.
Readability level: This rule searches for text that is in compliance with specific reading levels.
For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
Contains the email: This rule allows users to specify email addresses to locate and handle within the website.
Additional Resources
For more information, see the User Guide chapters:
See Monsido for Developers for documentation and advanced help files including SDK information for developers.
For definitions and explanations of acronyms and abbreviations used in the Monsido User Guide, see:
For further assistance, contact the Monsido support team at or use the Monsido chat and help features inside the application.