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Monsido Updates - Q3 2021

Product Updates

Updated over a week ago

October 2021


  • The new accessibility success criteria are now available for testing for the draft version of WCAG 2.2. The new standards introduced to the existing criteria in 2.1 and focus on standards for cognitive or learning disabilities, low vision, the mobile device experience, and more.


  • Added translation for Swedish


  • Added support for CorePublish CMS

November 2021


  • Add ‘creator’ filter in policies


  • Added support for Plone CMS

  • Added support for Konform CMS

  • Added Support for AEM CMS


  • Added Inventory PDF Links export

December 2021

Monsido Performance - Update with Google's Web Vitals - New metrics and weights system.

Our Performance Module monitors your website’s performance and automatically identifies elements that slow down the website. Google has started making page experience an official search engine ranking factor with rollout expected to be completed in March 2022. The update focuses on measuring factors that impact the visitors' page experience, including load speed, interactivity, and stability.

The six metrics correspond to the Google Web Vitals:

Core Web Vitals

#1 Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

  • This metric represents the time duration between the user initiating the page load and the page rendering its primary content.

#2 First Input Delay (FID)

  • It measures a page's load responsiveness and helps identify situations where a page looks interactive but actually isn't.

#3 Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

  • This is the measurement of the movement of visible elements within the viewport.

Supplementary Web Vitals

#4 Total Blocking Time (TBT)

  • This is the sum of all time periods between FCP and Time to Interactive (when the task length exceeded 50ms), expressed in milliseconds.

#5 Time to Interactivity (TTI)

  • It measures a page's load responsiveness and helps identify situations where a page looks interactive but actually isn't.

#6 Time to First Byte (TTFB)

  • It represents the time between the browser requesting a page and when it receives the first byte of information from the server.

If you want to learn more, read this blog post and/or article

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