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Statistics Feature Setup
Statistics Feature Setup

How to configure and use the Statistics Module

Updated over a week ago

This article gives instructions on how to set up the Statistics feature and describes the data available.

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Introduction to the Statistics Feature

The Statistics overview is in the main summary for the module. For more detailed statistics, click to expand the menu options on the left menu. Each of the main categories expands into several sub-categories, for a higher resolution of detail.

The Statistics feature provides a number of useful analytics, and gives insights on such things as entry and exit pages, bounce rates, session times, and page visitor details.

Note: Not all data sets shown are collected on every account. What you see is entirely dependent upon the type of plan and the settings that are activated.

The Statistics feature tracks the following:

Total visits

If only one user visits the site 10 times, the total visits is 10.

The total amount of visits. A page visit is counted when a user lands on your site from an external page, for example a search engine or a direct link.

Note: Monsido and other statistics platforms are normally blocked from appearing in the Total Visits statistic. As an additional measure, send a request to our support team to add our crawler IP as an excluded IP in your statistics platform of choice (Google Analytics, for example).

Total visitors

If the same user visits the site 10 times, the number of visitors is One.

The total number of unique visitors.


If one user visits the site and browses to 10 pages on the site, the pageviews number is 10.

A page view is counted when a page loads or reloads - whether the user was already on the page and hit 'refresh' or if they came from an external page.

Average visit time

The average amount of time a visitor spends on the page.

This is calculated starting from the time the customer lands on the page to the time they land on the next page.
The last visit on the page (where they bounce from) counts as 0 seconds. For exmple, if a user has a tab open for a couple of hours, that counts towards the visit time if the user clicks to a new page after that. If they leave the site after only visiting one page, then it counts as a bounce.

Bounce rate

Percentage of visitors that bounce. This indicates that the visitor entered the site and then left, rather than continuing to view other pages within the same site.

The last visit on the page (where they bounce from) counts as 0 seconds on the 'average visit time' statistic. For exmple, if the customer leaves the site after only visiting one page, then it counts as a bounce.

For more information, see the following articles:


This section gives instructions on how to set up and enable the Statistics module.

  1. Click Admin Settings (gear icon) on the main toolbar from any page.

    Note: The Settings button is only available to site admins.

    The location of the Admin Settings button, on the top menu bar.

    The Domain Settings page opens.

    Image showing the Domain Settings page.

  2. On the same row as a domain, click Action.

    The location of the Action button, on the same row as a domain.

    The Action menu expands.

  3. In the drop-down list, select Script Setup Guide.

    The location of the Script Setup Guide selection in the drop-down menu, second option from the top.

    The Set up your Domain page opens.

  4. Click Enable Statistics to turn it on.

    The loction of the Enable Statistics button, on the domain setup page.

  5. The options to Enable Cookieless Tracking and Enable Document Tracking appear.

  6. Turn on these if desired.
    For more information, see the User Guide article:
    Cookieless Tracking.

  7. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

  8. Copy the script and add it to the HTML code of the website. In the HTML editor, paste the script into the HEAD tag or place it before the </body> tag on every page.

    Note: If Consent Manager is activated, the script must be in the HEAD tag in order to catch the cookies.

    For more information, see the User Guide chapter:
    Add the Monsido Script.

  9. To see the Statistics section on the Dashboard, return to the Action drop-down list and this time select Edit Domain. The Edit Domain page opens.

    The location of the Edit Domain selection in the Action drop-down menu, third from the top.

  10. In the Features section, click Statistics to turn it on.

    The location of the Statistics button, in the Features section of the Edit Domain page

  11. Click Save. The Edit Domain page closes.

Advanced Setup

It is possible to set up the script manually without using the wizard. The button must be on in the Script Setup Guide as per above, but if you prefer to set up the script yourself, please refer to the instructions on:

Statistics Landing Page

This section gives instructions on how to navigate to the Statistics module.

  1. Locate the Statistics section on the domain Dashboard and click to open it, or click Statistics (the broken pie chart icon) on the page toolbar. The Statistics landing page opens.

    This is the Statistics landing page.

  2. Click the date on the upper right side of the page to change the view to a specific date span.

    The location of the date picker, on the upper right-hand side of the window.

  3. The sections on this page are below, click to navigate to the section of this document that gives all of the details included in this section of the Statistics landing page:


The Statistics Summary section shows the following data:

  • Statistics Overview

    An example of how a Statistics landing page can look, as described in the article text.

    This section shows a graph view over time of:

    • Average visit time: This figure is the average length of time that users spent on the page for the date interval (default setting is 30 days).

    • Bounce rate: This figure gives the percentage of visitors that bounce (the visitor entered the site and then left, rather than continuing to view other pages within the same site).

    • Visitor Overview: Click the Visitor Overview link at the bottom of the section for a summary of visitor technology.

      To skip to the section that gives details about the Visitor Overview, click to navigate to the section in this document that covers it:

Most visited pages

The Statistics Most visited pages section shows an overview of the page traffic, sorted high to low per amount of traffic on the page.

The location of the Most Visited Pages section on the Statistics dashboard.

The chart shows the following fields:

  • Page URL: The URL of the page.

  • Visitors: This figure is the total number of unique visitors to the page for the date interval (default setting is 30 days).

  • Page views: This figure is the total number of page views to the page for the date interval (default setting is 30 days).

  • Most Visited Pages: Click the link to navigate to the Most Popular Pages page.

Traffic Sources

This section shows an overview of the page traffic sources.

The Traffic Sources section highlighted, the fields are described in the article text.

The summary chart shows the visual breakdown of traffic sources. The sources are sorted over the past 30 days and include:

  • Total traffic sources: This figure shows the source that visitors use to access the site.

    • Search engines: The number of visitors that arrive from search engine results/searches.

    • Direct visits: The number of visitors that arrive by typing the URL into their web browser address bar.

    • Referring visits: The number of visitors that arrive from other website domains. This is the same as External Referring Domains.

    • Social visits: The number of visitors that arrive from social media networks.

    • Campaign visits: The number of visitors that arrive from campaign links such as newsletters, ads, or pop-ups.

  • Click the Traffic Sources link at the bottom of the section for more details.

Most Frequent

This section shows an overview of the most frequent method of page access.

The Most Frequent section on the Statistics dashboard. Information contained in the image to follow in the doc text below.

The data tracked is:

  • Location (country): Geographical physical location of the visitor.

  • Device: The devices that the visitors accessed the page with.

  • Browser: The browsers used most frequently by site visitors, along with the number of visits, bounce rates, actions per visit, and average time spent on the page.

  • Operating System: The operating systems that the visitors browsed the page with.

  • Resolution: The screen resolutions that visitors used most frequently to view the site, along with the number of visits, bounce rates, actions per visit, and average time spent on the page. Change the view to a bubble or donut chart.

  • Language: The language of the device that the visitor used.

  • Visitor Overview: Click the link for more detailed information about the technology that the visitors browsed the page with.

Side Menu Options

The menu on the left side of the landing page offers options to view specific statistics that are tracked.


Select Content from the menu on the left.

The location of the Content option on the left side menu.

The menu expands with the following options:

Most popular pages

Select this option for a detailed view of the page URLs with the most views. See which pages have the most visitors. The chart at the top shows the exact number of page visits, while the chart underneath shows the number rounded to the nearest thousand.

The Most Popular pages view with some figures on page visits.

Least popular pages

Select to navigate to the Least Popular Pages page for a detailed view of the page URLs with the least views.

The Least Popular Pages landing page. The details of the contents of the page in the text below.

The information shown is:

  • URL: The URL for the page.

  • Visits: The number of visits to the page.

  • PageViews: The number of views the page received.

  • Average Time: The average amount of time spent on the page.

Most downloads

Select to navigate to the Most Downloads page for a detailed view of the documents that visitors downloaded most.

Pages without visits

Select to navigate to the Pages without Visits page for a detailed view of the pages on the site with no visitor traffic.

The Pages Without Visits page on a sample website, as described in the article text

The information shown is:

  • URL: The URL for the page.

  • Visits: The number of visits to the page.

Docs without downloads

Select to navigate to the Documents without Downloads page for a detailed view of the documents that 0 visitors have downloaded.

The Documents Without Downloads page, the fields are described in the article text.

The information shown is:

  • URL: The URL for the page.

  • Visits: The number of visits to the page.


Select to view user interactions with specific page elements, for example, the number of clicks on a button or link.

Site Search

Select to see what visitors search for when they use the search feature on your website. Track the actions that visitors take, if any, after they perform a search.

For more information, see the User Guide chapters:

Traffic Sources

Select Traffic Sources from the menu on the left.

The location of the Traffic Sources option on the left side menu.

The menu expands with the following options:

Traffic Sources Summary

Select Traffic Sources Summary from the submenu on the left.

The location of the Traffic Sources Summary option in the submenu under Traffic Sources on the left menu bar.

The summary shows an overview of traffic sources over the past 30 days.

  • Referring Information: This chart shows external referring domains.

  • Click External Referees Overview for more detailed information.

Search engines

Select Search Engines from the submenu on the left.

The location of the Search Engines option, a submenu item under Traffic Sources on the left menu bar.

The chart shows search engines that visitors used for entry to the site.

Click Search Engines Overview for more detailed information.

Social Networks

Select Social Networks from the submenu on the left.

The location of the Social Networks button on the side menu, under Traffic Sources.

The chart shows social networks that visitors used for entry to the site.

Click Social Network Overview for more detailed information.

External Referring Domains

Select External Referring Domains from the submenu on the left.

The location of the External Referring Domains button, in the Traffic Sources submenu on the left menu.

The chart shows external referring domains; these are tracked when the user clicks on a link to your domain from an external website. Click External Referees Overview for more detailed information.

Entry and Exit Pages

Select Entry and Exit pages from the menu on the left.

The location of the Entry and Exit Pages option on the left menu.

The menu expands with the following options:

  • Entry pages

  • Exit pages

  • Bounce rates.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.

Entry pages

Select Entry Pages from the submenu on the left.

The location of the Entry Pages submenu item on the left menu bar under Entry and Exit Pages.

This page gives you a detailed view of the first page that visitors viewed on the site. This is most often the landing page of the site.

By default, the report is organized by the number of visitors over a 30-day period.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.

Exit pages

Select Exit Pages from the submenu on the left.

The location of the Exit Pages option in the submenu under Entry and Exit pages on the left menu bar.

This page gives a detailed breakdown of the last page that a visitor viewed before they left the site.

It also gives information about the number of visitors who exited from each individual page.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.

Bounce rates

Select Bounce Rates from the submenu on the left.

The location of the Bounce Rates submenu item, under Entry and Exit Pages on the left menu bar.

This page gives a detailed view of the percentage of visitors that bounce. This term refers to situations where the visitor entered the site and then left, rather than continuing to view other pages within the same site.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.


Select Visitors from the menu on the left.

Visitors Summary

Select Visitors Summary in the Visitors sub-menu on the left menu bar.

The location of the Visitors Summary selection on the left menu bar, under Visitors.

The Visitors Summary page opens.

The Visitors Summary dashboard, with sections as decribed in the article.

The sections show the following overviews:

  • Your User's Technology

    • Devices: The devices that the visitors accessed the page with, for example, laptop/desktop/smartphone.

      The location of the Devices section on an example of a Visitors Summary page.

      Click the link or use the menu on the left for more detailed information and charts.

    • Operating systems: The operating systems that the visitors browsed the page with.

      The location of the Operating Systems section on an example of a Visitors Summary page.

      Click the link or use the menu on the left for more detailed information and charts.

    • Screen resolutions: The screen resolutions that visitors use most frequently to view the site. Change the view to a bubble or donut chart.

      The location of the Screen Resolutions section on an example of a Visitors Summary page.

      Click the link or use the menu on the left for more detailed information and charts.

    • Browsers: The browser that the visitor accessed the page with.

      The location of the Browsers section on an example of a Visitors Summary page.

Click the link within each section, or use the menu on the left for more detailed information and charts.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.


Select Locations in the Visitors sub-menu on the left menu bar.

The location of the Locations selection on the left menu bar, under Visitors

The Locations page opens.

The Locations page, description of the chart on the page in the text below.

The pie chart gives the following information:

  • Total Visits: Total number of visits to the page.

  • Total Visitors: Total number of unique visitors to the page.

  • Page Views: Total number of times the page was viewed.

  • Average Visit Time: Average amount of time spent on the page.

  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who left the site from this page.

  • Location of visitors (country): Shown by colors in the pie chart as well as in a list below the pie chart showing the percentage of total visitors from each location.

The data is further broken down and presented in the section below the chart:

  • Name: The name of the location (country).

  • Visits: The number of visits from each location.

  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors from each location who exited the site from this page.

  • Actions per Visit: The number of actions from each location that were done on the page.

  • Average Time: The average amount of time spent on the page by each location.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.


Select Language in the Visitors sub-menu on the left menu bar.

The location of the Language selection on the left menu bar, under Visitors.

The Languages page opens.

The Languages page, description of the chart on the page in the text below.

The pie chart gives the following information:

  • Name: The name of the language. Language is determined first by IP address and then by geo-location.

  • Visits: The number of visits from each language group.

  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors from each language group who exited the site from this page.

  • Actions per Visit: The number of actions from each language group that were done on the page.

  • Average Time: The average amount of time spent on the page by each language group.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.


Select Organizations in the Visitors sub-menu on the left menu bar.

The location of the Organizations selection on the left menu bar, under Visitors.

The Organizations page opens.

The Organizations page, description of the chart on the page in the text below.

The chart shows a breakdown of visitors to the site who used a registered IP address from an external organization.

  • Name: The name of the organization, as determined by IP address.

  • Visits: The number of visits from each organization.

  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors from each organization who exited the site from this page.

  • Actions per Visit: The number of actions from each organization that were done on the page.

  • Average Time: The average amount of time spent on the page by each organization.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.


Select Devices in the Visitors sub-menu on the left menu bar.

The location of the Devices selection on the left menu bar, under Visitors

The Devices page opens.

The chart shows the following:

  • Name: The name of the type of device used to access the page.

  • Visits: The number of visits from each type of device.

  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors from each type of device who exited the site from this page.

  • Actions per Visit: The number of actions from each type of device that were done on the page.

  • Average Time: The average amount of time spent on the page by each type of device.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.


Select Browsers in the Visitors sub-menu on the left menu bar.

The location of the Browsers selection on the left menu bar, under Visitors

The Browsers page opens.

The Browsers page, description of the chart on the page in the text below.

The chart shows the following:

  • Name: The name of the type of browser used to access the page.

  • Visits: The number of visits from each type of browser.

  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors from each type of browser who exited the site from this page.

  • Actions per Visit: The number of actions from each type of browser that were done on the page.

  • Average Time: The average amount of time spent on the page by each type of browser.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.

Operating Systems

Select Operating Systems in the Visitors sub-menu on the left menu bar.

The location of the Operating Systems selection on the left menu bar, under Visitors

The Operating Systems page opens.

The chart gives the following information:

  • Name: The name of the operating system used to access the page.

  • Visits: The number of visits from each type of operating system.

  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors from each type of operating system who exited the site from this page.

  • Actions per Visit: The number of actions from each type of operating system that were done on the page.

  • Average Time: The average amount of time spent on the page by each type of operating system.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.

Screen Resolutions

Select Screen Resolutions in the Visitors sub-menu on the left menu bar.

The location of the Screen Resolutions selection on the left menu bar, under Visitors

The Screen Resolutions page opens.

The Screen Resolutions page, description of the chart on the page in the text below.

The chart gives the information:

  • Pixels: The pixel resolution is on the left side of the chart.

  • Name: The screen resolution on the device that was used to access the page.

  • Visits: The number of visits from each type of screen resolution.

  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors from each type of screen resolution who exited the site from this page.

  • Actions per Visit: The number of actions from each type of screen resolution that were done on the page.

  • Average Time: The average amount of time spent on the page by each type of screen resolution.

Tip! Use the date-picker to select a start and end date for the chart to show.

Exclude IP Addresses

This section gives instructions on how to exclude a specific IP address from the statistics results in the scan.

Note: Excluded IP address statistics can only affect the results seen by new visitors.

  1. Click Admin Settings (gear icon) on the main toolbar from any page.

    Image that shows the location of the Settings button, on the top menu bar.

    The Domain Settings page opens.

  2. Click Action on the same row as a domain.

    Image showing the location of the Action button.

    The Action menu expands.

    Image showing the expanded Action menu.

  3. Click to select Statistics excluded IP addresses. The Excluded IP addresses from statistics page opens. This page shows previously added IP address exclusions and offers the opportunity to add or delete exclusions from the list.

    Image showing the Excluded IP Addresses from Statistics page.

  4. Click the plus icon to add a new IP address for exclusion from the scan.

    The location of the plus icon, below the list of excluded IP addresses.

    Tip! Use * as a wildcard (for example 192.168.1.*).

  5. Click the trashcan icon to remove an existing exclusion from the list.

  6. Click Save and close to save the changes and close the page.

Cookieless Tracking

The Statistics module normally applies a cookie to the browser of the visitor. It is possible to remove this so that the scan can still track the same data from visitors who refuse Statistics cookies on the cookie banner.

Turn on Cookieless Tracking with steps 1-6 in the Setup section of this article.

To set up Cookieless Tracking manually, see the instructions in:

For more information, see also the user guide article:

Event Tracking

For instructions on how to use and set up Event Tracking, see the user guide articles:

Statistics Reports

This section gives information about the report for the Statistics feature.

The Statistics Reports list on the Reports landing page, reports available are listed below this image.

The available report for the Statistics feature are:

  • Pages Without Visits Report.

  1. Click Schedule This Report (calendar icon) on the same row as the report to receive the report as an email attachment. Multiple selection is allowed.

  2. Click Open Report (eye icon) to get the newest report.

  3. Click Report Administration (gear icon) to add other users to receive the report.

For more information, see the User Guide Articles:

Additional Resources

For more information, see the following User Guide articles:

See also these pages on the Monsido website for more useful information:

For definitions and explanations of acronyms and abbreviations used in the Monsido User Guide, see:

For further assistance, contact the Monsido support team at or use the Monsido chat and help features inside the application.

Image of the toolbar with the Help Center buttons highlighted.

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