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Quality Assurance Module
Quality Assurance Module

Introduction to the Quality Assurance Module

Updated over a week ago

This article gives information on how to use the quality assurance features in Monsido.

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Quality Assurance Introduction

The Monsido Quality Assurance module is included in every subscription. It allows users to quickly identify and repair issues such as:

  • Content with QA Errors

  • Broken links

  • Misspellings

  • Readability issues.

Quality Assurance Categories

The Quality Assurance module contains several sub-modules. Click to go directly to the user guide for these specific sub-modules within the QA main module:


The Quality Assurance module rates the severity of issues and assigns priority to them. For a full explanation of the severity designations and how Monsido determines these, see the user guide article:


This section describes the steps that need to be done before you can use the Quality Assurance Module.

  • Scan the site at least once to gather data.

    For more information, see the user guide article:

  • Set up the Quality Assurance Readability features.

    For more information, see the user guide article:

    • From the Monsido Domain Overview (globe icon), click Settings (gear icon) at the top of the page. The Admin Settings page opens.

      Note: The Settings button is only available to site admins.

      Image that shows the location of the Settings button, on the top menu bar.

    • Click Action on the same row as the domain to scan.

      Image showing the location of the Actions button for a domain, on the right-hand side of the page.

    • Select Edit Domain from the drop-down list.

      Image of the location of the Edit Domain option in the Actions menu.

      The Edit Domain page opens.

      Image showing the Edit Domain Features section.

    • In the Features section:

      • Readability: Click to select the type of readability test to scan for:

        • Flesch Kincaid Readability test (English text)

        • LIX Readability test (non-English text)

      • Minimum words: Enter the minimum number of words that a page should contain in order for the Readability test to assess the difficulty.

    • Optional: Download the Chrome Extension: Download and install the Monsido Chrome extension. This extension is not required but is very useful to help identify content issues for easy handling.

      Tip: Attach the Monsido extension to the browser toolbar for easy access.


This section gives information on how to navigate and edit website content from the Monsido Quality Assurance module Summary page.

  1. Click Quality Assurance (the checkbox icon), on the Monsido dashboard toolbar.

    Image showing the location of the Quality Assurance button.

    The Quality Assurance page opens.

    Image of the Quality Assurance landing page.

Use the menu on the left to see more.


Click Summary from the menu on the left side of the page to navigate to the Quality Assurance summary page.

Image showing the location of the Summary button in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.

The Quality Assurance Summary page opens. The sections on the landing page are:

Quality Assurance Check

This section displays the number of pages affected by broken links, broken images, potential misspellings, and (confirmed) misspellings.

Image of the Quality Assurance Check section.
  • Click Unique Broken Links to navigate to the Broken Links page. Navigate between All broken links, Ignored, or Marked as fixed.

    The columns show the following:

    • Broken Link: This column shows the full address of the broken link.
      For more information, see the user guide articles:

    • Page Correct: Click Page Correct™ to repair the link via the Monsido interface.

      For more information, see the user guide article:

    • Response code: this is the error that the broken link returns.

    • Type: This column names the type of error that is found.

    • Documents: This column shows how many documents have the broken link.

    • Pages: This column shows how many pages are affected by the broken link.

    • Action: Click to expand actions to perform on the broken link.

      • Mark as fixed - Use this option when the issue is fixed on your website. Items that are marked as fixed are included in future scans.

      • Ignore Misspelling - Use this option:

        • If links are marked as dead when really they are not.

        • To ignore spelling issues on a single-page basis.

        • To ignore all other issues on a domain level.

      Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Ignore is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

      For more information, see the user guide articles:

  • Click Broken images to navigate to the Broken Images page.

    Image showing the Broken Images page.

    The columns show the following:

    • Broken Link: This column shows the full address of the broken link.
      For more information, see the user guide articles:

    • Response code: this is the error that the broken image link returns.

    • Type: This column names the type of error that is found.

    • Pages: This column shows how many pages are affected by the broken image link.

    • Action: Click to designate the issue with:

      • Mark as fixed - Use this option when the issue is fixed on the website. Items that are marked as fixed are included in future scans.

      • Mark as ignored - Use this option:

        • If links are marked as dead when really they are not.

        • To ignore spelling issues on a single-page basis.

        • To ignore all other issues on a domain level.

          Note: Ignored issues will not be factored into future scans, and this will permanently affect the compliance score.

      Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Mark as ignored is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

      For more information, see the user guide articles:

  • Click Potential Misspellings to navigate to the Potential Misspellings page.

    Image showing the Potential Misspellings page.

    The columns show the following:

    • Word: The word that has been tagged as misspelled.

    • Lookup in Google: Click to search Google for the word.

    • Language: This is the language as defined by the website owner, which determines the correct spellings to use.

    • Confirm: Click to confirm that the spelling is correct.

    • Pages: The number of pages that contain this spelling of the word.

    • Action: Click the drop-down arrow and select the action to perform for this word:

      • Confirm as misspelling: Approve this spelling.

      • Add to dictionary: Approve this spelling and add it to the language dictionary so that future scans will not flag it as misspelled.

        For more information, see the user guide article:

      • Add to dictionary for all languages: Approve this spelling (proper nouns etc.) and add it to the language dictionary for all languages so that future scans will not flag it as misspelled.

        For more information, see the user guide article:

      • Ignore misspelling: Omit the issue from future scans.

      • Mark as fixed - Use this option when the issue is fixed on your website. Items that are marked as fixed are included in future scans.

        Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Ignore is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

      For more information, see the user guide articles:

  • Click Misspellings to navigate to the Misspellings page.

    Image showing the QA Menu with the location of the Misspellings option, and the landing page for Misspellings.

    The Misspellings page opens. The columns show the following:

    • Word: The word that has been tagged as a misspelling.

    • PageCorrect: Click to use Page Correct to quick-fix the issue. A dialog box opens. The misspelling is highlighted, enter the correct spelling into the text field and then click Save.

      For more information, see the user guide article:

      Note: This does not fix the issue in the HTML code, but it will appear correct to website viewers.

    • Lookup in Google: Click to search Google for the word.

    • Language: This is the language as defined by the website owner. The language setting determines the correct spellings for the scan to check for.

    • Pages: The number of pages that contain this spelling of the word.

    • Action: Click the drop-down arrow and select:

      • Confirm as misspelling: Approve this spelling.

      • Add to dictionary: Approve this spelling and add it to the language dictionary so that future scans will not flag it as misspelled.

        For more information, see the user guide article:

      • Add to the dictionary for all languages: Approve this spelling (for example, a product name) and add it to the language dictionary for all languages so that future scans will not flag it as misspelled.

        For more information, see the user guide article:

      • Ignore misspelling: Omit the issue from future scans.

      • Mark as fixed: When the issue is corrected in the HTML code for the page, mark it as fixed. It will be included in future scans.

Note: The difference between Mark as Fixed and Ignore is that issues marked as Fixed are still included in future scans and can be flagged again if the error persists. Issues that are set to Ignore are permanently omitted from future scans and compliance scores.

For more information, see the user guide articles:

Important Highlights

Displays the most significant quality assurance findings.

Click on any item to navigate to the details page for the error.

Quality Assurance Diagnostics

Displays the percentage of overall quality assurance compliance achieved, as well as a circular chart that gives a visual percentage result. There is a breakdown of the total number of quality assurance issues and the total number of pages that have issues. A line graph displays the number of quality assurance issues and content with issues.

Image showing the location of the Quality Assurance Diagnostics section on the QA landing page.
  • Quality Assurance Compliance: This figure displays the percentage of issues that your website is compliant with. The goal is to achieve 100% of the accessibility level selected.

    For more information, see the user guide article:

  • Industry Average: This shows how your website compares against the average competitor in your industry.

    The Quality Assurance section of the Monsido Dashboard, where the Industry Average figure appears.

    For more information, see the user guide article:

  • Click Show history to view the progression of issues over time.

    For more information, see the user guide article:


Click on the readability score to navigate to the Readability details page.

Image showing an example of a Readability section on the landing page with a sample readability score included.
  • Click on the readability score to navigate to the Readability details page.

For more information, see the user guide article:

Content with QA Errors

Click Content with QA Errors on the left-hand side of the page.

For more information, see the user guide article:


Click Links from the menu on the left side of the page.

Image showing the location of the Content with QA Errors option in the menu on the left-hand side of the page

For more information, see the user guide article:


Click Spellcheck from the menu on the left side of the page.

Image showing the location of the Spellcheck option in the menu on the left-hand side of the page

For more information, see the user guide articles:

National Identification Number

Some countries have this field in the menu on the left page menu. A list of potential national identification numbers is shown, if applicable. For privacy and security reasons, these should be reviewed and/or removed from publication.

For information on how to create a policy to detect these, see the user guide article:


Click Readability from the menu on the left-hand side of the page.

Image showing the location of the Readability option in the menu on the left-hand side of the page

For more information, see the user guide article:


The History Center stores all Quality Assurance issues and details from previous scans.

  1. From any page within Monsido, click History Center (bar graph icon), located on the top menu bar.

    Image showing the location of the the History Center button located on the main Monsido Dashboard.

    The History Center landing page opens.

    Image showing the History Center landing page.

    The page contains the following layout:

  2. Domain: In the first field, click to expand the list of domains.

    Image showing an example of how the expanded list appears in the Select Module field.

  3. Click to select a domain from the list or switch to another domain.

  4. Module: In the second field, click to expand the list of available modules.

  5. Click to select Quality Assurance from the drop-down list. The Quality Assurance page of the History Center opens.

    • The topmost section gives information on the profile that is being used for the results shown.

      • Viewing as Profile: This shows the profile that is being used. See Add Profile for information on how to add a new profile.

      • Device: The type of device used.

      • Measure from: Distance from the server location.

      • Network speed: The speed of the network.

      • Check frequency: The frequency of the check.

        Important: The Dashboard always shows data with the default profile selected. To change this, select a new profile (click the drop-down arrow to see the available profiles). Please be aware that changing the profile causes the numbers on all 3 sections inside the Performance module to update accordingly.

    • Graph with performance speed and date as well as a donut chart showing the average performance score.

    • Scan history results: This table shows valuable scan data from previous scans.

    • Scan history results: This table shows valuable scan data from previous scans.

      • Crawled at: Date and time of scan.

      • Pages crawled: Number of pages scanned.

      • Documents crawled: Number of documents scanned.

      • Domain compliance: Percentage of compliance achieved.

      • Comparison to average: The score of the website as compared with the average score within the industry.

      • QA errors: The number of errors, broken down into category icons.

      • Changes since previous crawl: Percentage of changes made since the last scan.

For more information, see the user guide article:

Quality Assurance Score

The compliance score for the quality assurance check is calculated by dividing the total number of page errors found by the total number of page errors plus the total number of documents, multiplied by 100.

Quality Assurance Reports

The available reports for the Quality Assurance module are:

  • Quality Assurance Report

  • Pages with Quality Assurance Errors Report

  • Broken Links Report

  • Misspellings Report

  • Pages with Misspellings Report

  • Potential Misspellings Report

  • Readability Score Report

  • Broken Links Per Page Report

  • Misspellings Per Page Report.

The section that shows the available QA reports: Quality Assurance Report, Pages with Quality Assurance Errors Report, Broken Links Report, Misspellings Report, Pages with Misspellings Report, Potential Misspellings Report, Readability Score Report, Broken Links Per Page Report, Misspellings Per Page Report.
  1. Click Schedule This Report (calendar icon) on the same row as the report to receive the report as an email attachment. Multiple selection is allowed.

  2. Click Open Report (eye icon) to get the newest report.

  3. Click Report Administration (gear icon) to add other users to receive the report.

For more information, see the user guide article:

Additional Resources

For more information, see the user guide articles:

Tip! The Monsido Color Contrast Checker is a quick way to test the color combinations on websites and pages.

For definitions and explanations of acronyms and abbreviations used in the Monsido User Guide, see:

For further assistance, contact the Monsido support team at or use the Monsido chat and help features inside the application.

Image of the toolbar with the Help Center buttons highlighted.

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