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Stakeholder Email for Primary Users

Primary users stakeholder email

Updated over a week ago

Subject Line: Our New Web Governance Tool


Consistently providing a quality user experience is a top priority for our website. However, as you know, it is hard to stay on top of everything! We can’t reasonably expect someone to check every single website page for errors. It would require too much time and resources to ensure QA manually.

Luckily, we have found a solution which will save everyone time and ensure that our website is of the highest quality.

The new solution is called Monsido and it is a Web Governance tool suite. Monsido will scan our website (insert scan frequency or simply state: on a regular basis), or when a user requests a scan. The scan generates reports that will tell you about any errors on the website, exactly where they are located, and even some advice on how to fix the errors.

Here are some of the ways that Monsido will help us meet our goals this year:

(Choose two or three that apply to your organization)

  • Ensuring All Content Is Up-to-Date and Accurate: Monsido identifies pages which may be outdated so we can remove them or update them.

  • Finding SEO Improvement Opportunities: The scan will quickly check whether content creators are using best SEO practices so issues can be fixed.

  • Providing a High-Quality User Experience: Errors like broken links and misspellings cause a bad user experience. Monsido finds these errors and locates them exactly on the page.

  • WCAG Compliance: With the Monsido Accessibility module, we help you find and fix issues which may be prohibiting people with disabilities from accessing our website. Choose to flag WCAG issues up to level 2.2 AAA.

You can expect to start using Monsido (Insert a time, such as: in the upcoming weeks, next month). There will likely be a lot of high-priority errors which will need to be fixed right away after our first scan. Once we get these initial errors fixed, you and (insert the names/titles of any other users here) will use Monsido on an ongoing basis to make sure no errors slip through the cracks.

The Monsido tool suite should make a big difference in our website quality, and save you a lot of time too!

I will soon invite you to a live training session with an onboarding specialist from Monsido. They will introduce the tool to you and answer any questions you have.

I’ll be in touch soon with more information.


(Your title)

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